To educate a child, you need affection
For exactly 29 years Américo Nhalungo has dedicated most of his time to education, reintegration, and living with orphans and vulnerable children at the Children's Town in the Costa do Sol neighborhood in Maputo City.
The Cidadela das Crianças made me the girl I am today
She is currently 19 years old and dreams of becoming a policeman, she is attending grade 10 at Josina Machel Secondary School.
Paicha Canicio, 31 years old, is a native and resident of the district of Metuge, Cabo Delgado province, is part of the host communities for those displaced by the terrorist attacks, and is an active member of the Ophentana Farmers club.
Graça Bernardo Chongo, a 28-year-old mum and one of the beneficiaries of the Women's and Girls' Empowerment Project, found sewing as an opportunity to transform her life.
“If it hadn't been for the activist from the Local TB Response project who came to my house to check on my health, I would never have known that I had tuberculosis.