Case stories


I'm Proud to Take Care of My Community's Health


Argentina Raimundo is one of the 800 activists who has been collaborating with the Local TB Response project for five years. She is dedicated to educating people about tuberculosis and actively seeks out people with signs and symptoms of TB in her community, in the Mucuaipa neighborhood of Nacala Port. Easy-going and friendly with everyone, Argentina is highly respected by her community and is considered more than an activist when it comes to health.

“I'm very proud to look after the health of my community. Day after day, I make house-to-house visits with the aim of reaching every family, because we never know whether or not there is a person in a particular house with symptoms of tuberculosis. Our mission is to visit every home and look for hidden cases of tuberculosis.”


“In working with the community, you gain a lot of experience. Knowing how to talk, listen and address people are the main qualities for an activist to succeed in their journey. The most rewarding thing of all is that when patients are treated well and get better, they become part of our families and help us find other people who have symptoms of TB.”

“My dream is to become an Area Leader to mobilize other activists to contribute to the eradication of tuberculosis in our communities.”

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Maria Vicente Cossa, 65 years old, resident in neighborhood 7 in Boane district, TB patient for about three months.
“If it hadn't been for the activist from the Local TB Response project who came to my house to check on my health, I would never have known that I had tuberculosis.
The Cidadela das Crianças made me the girl I am today   She is currently 19 years old and dreams of becoming a policeman, she is attending grade 10 at Josina Machel Secondary School.