Case stories


I will always be connected to EPF Maputo


Helton Simbine was the best student of the teacher training course at EPF Maputo in 2022, with well-deserved merit he recently had a placement at Tchonissa Primary School, although his goal is to return to EPF Maputo as a trainer. 

Helton is the model of the type of teachers trained at all EPFs. His story is motivating for young people who dream of becoming teachers.

"I arrived at EPF Maputo at a very young age, 17 at the time, in the first days I did not learn anything that has to do with being a teacher but to know how to be and be. They were years of immense learning, I was part of the pioneer group of the new 12+3 years model and we had no one to turn to to solve small doubts.

My time at EPF was characterised by being an atypical time to study, just like carrying out any other activity normally, as we were being plagued by the covid-19 pandemic. Even in the face of these adversities, the school adopted certain measures so that classes would not be suspended and jeopardise our plans.

That's why I saw that with courage and determination everything is possible in life. A curious fact is that initially I saw the profession of being a teacher as a refuge in case I could not embrace the preferred course. I saw it as a way to get to other professions. However, with time I changed my conception because I felt I was in the right place, it was a rebirth again and discovery of skills that I did not know I had. Today I am proud to embrace this profession".

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