

Regional Meeting Highlights Blue Economy, Sustainable Small-Scale Fishing and Biodiversity Conservation


Started this Monday (12/06) the regional knowledge sharing meeting on blue economy, sustainable small scale fishing and biodiversity conservation. The event, which takes place in Mombasa, Kenya, brings together representatives from various organizations, including ADPP Mozambique, which is present through the project Ecofish, Fishermen's Club, implemented in the districts of Cahora Bassa and Mágoè, in Tete province.


The opening of the event was attended by the governors of Mombasa and Lamu, Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir and Issa Timamy, respectively, local authorities and implementing partners, demonstrating the engagement and commitment to the topics addressed. For four days, experts, researchers and industry practitioners will be gathered to tap into the wealth of knowledge, innovations and best practices in the area of blue economy, sustainable development of small-scale fisheries, aquaculture and aquatic biodiversity conservation.

The meeting's main objective is to contribute to the political, socioeconomic and ecological aspirations of the African Agenda 2063, seeking to boost the blue economy and promote the sustainability of small-scale fisheries. Through the exchange of experiences, policy guidance and practical learning, it is hoped to generate solutions and guidelines that can be applied in the African context.


ADPP's participation, through the Ecofish, Fishermen's Club project in Tete province, highlights the organization's commitment to promoting sustainable fishing and biodiversity conservation. This initiative aims to strengthen the capacity of local communities involved in small-scale fishing, while promoting environmentally responsible practices and improving the value chain by investing in infrastructure for the conversion and sale of fish in these communities.

By promoting aquatic biodiversity conservation and sustainable fisheries, the regional meeting reinforces the commitment to the protection of marine ecosystems and the socio-economic development of the communities that depend on these resources.


With the participation of diverse organizations and experts, the regional meeting in Mombasa has the potential to drive innovative initiatives and collaborative strategies for the promotion of the blue economy, small-scale fisheries sustainability, and biodiversity conservation. The outcomes of this event are expected to contribute to building a more sustainable and resilient future for communities.

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