

Temporary jobs benefit 500 families in Nhamatanda under the Post-cyclone Recovery Facility


The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in partnership with the Government of Mozambique and other partners, established the Recovery Mechanism (MRF) as a response measure to cyclones IDAI and Kenneth, with a particular focus on vulnerable groups and women, through livelihood support and economic empowerment, and the improvement of housing and community infrastructure.

Recently, a total of 500 families from Cheia resettlement center in Nhamatanda district received seed kits and work tools aimed at sustainable self-employment under the MRF Resilient Livelihood Recovery project, implemented by ADPP with financial support from UNDP and in coordination with the Office of Post-cyclone Reconstruction (GREPOC).

The seed kits and work tools are composed of the following agricultural products and work tools: Tomato, Cabbage, Lettuce, Pepper, Pumpkin, Okra (40 grams for each crop); 1 Sprayer, 1 Watering can, 1 Catana, 1 Hoe and 1 Rake.

Additionally, temporary jobs were developed by the project for the 500 families over a period of six to ten days, consisting of the cleaning of 12km of public roads in the respective locality, the construction of 500 cups of earthenware, the opening of 500 pits for the garbage dump, the construction of 377 improved latrines and the increase of 250 ha in the production areas. With the immediate money received, it is expected that the families benefited and those most affected by the Cyclone will be able to resume their business and/or invest in new work to diversify their income.

The actions of the Recovery Mechanism are financed by the European Union, Canada, China, Finland, India, Netherlands, Norway, with UNDP being the implementation manager while ADPP and other non-governmental organizations are implementing partners.

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