

ADPP Statement on Covid-19


COVID 19 is a world pandemic like never seen before, affecting most of the world’s countries. Everything about this never seen before virus threatens our life and life security. Much more in under developed countries where the majority of the population is already vulnerable in several crucial aspects to survival like food, house and health security.


The virus per se has yet not hit Mozambique where numbers remain lower then in most countries in the world. But not only is Mozambique already suffering from numerous collateral impacts from the pandemic, such as job loss, increased food prices and lack of access to WASH materials, as we know that if the country gets severely hit by the virus, a country that is already one of the poorest in the world, will have tragic and overwhelming impact on the lives of the most vulnerable.

ADPP is concerned with the impact in our country and therefore we have started early taking measures to protect the most vulnerable but also the most close to us: staff, students, and communities we were already support, which sum almost 3 million people here in Mozambique.

Because of this, we have already implemented several health measures in all our offices, schools and headquarters, closed all schools and reallocated 2,000 students in 2 days, initiated remote work where possible, and launched a committee and support group with doctors and other health staff to support every person that is engaged with us, staff or beneficiaries.

However, because we at ADPP don’t live anyone behind and know that most vulnerable people, already suffering from HIV, TB, malnutrition, or any other vulnerability will be severely hit by this pandemic even if the virus will not have such a growing curve here like elsewhere.

In a country where over 90% of the population lives of the informal sector, in households without conditions, and no access to potable water, the time is for defending ourselves. Without living anyone behind. And we strongly believe none should be left behind.

For that, we ask all our partners, friends, and donors, to approach us and find out how can we continue to support these communities.

HIV tests and treatment cannot stop. The economic impact of the COVID19 virus cannot decrease the nutrition in already undernourished children and young people and communities. The fragile economy of the street sellers of clothes, food, or any other informal economy item cannot even be shaken, never mind destroyed.

Because then we are not just facing a virus, we are facing a threat to all parts of a society.

We at ADPP don’t leave anyone behind. Help us to do that.

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