

Women lead the course of Electricity Installation at Maputo Polytechnic College


The Project Socio-Economic Empowerment of Women and Youth in Mozambique, implemented by ADPP Mozambique, held last Friday, at the Polytechnic College of Maputo, the IV graduation ceremony of technicians in the areas of Installing Electricity and Information and Communication Technology (ICTs).  These are short-term courses that make available to the market 62 young people of which the active participation of women stands out.

"This is the beginning for a window of opportunities in the life of each of the graduates who today receive the certificate of know-how skills. The job market will require a lot of work and dedication from all of them to highlight them and integrate them in its framework of employees capable of making a difference in their daily lives," said the project coordinator, Ester Novela, in her message to the graduates.

We are pleased to place qualified professionals in the market and, in order not to lose sight of their competences after the conclusion of the course, we try to follow up through memorandums of understanding for professional internships at Electricidade de Mocambique, where the most competent students find their first job, even though there are other graduates who choose to be self-employed, added the Coordinator.

During the ceremony, one of the most symbolic moments was the awarding of the best students for both courses, which were two women, Clotilde Naene in the Electricity Installer course and Marla Nhambi in the ICTs course.

Representing the graduates of the Information and Communication Technology course, Marla Nhambi, highlighted the importance that ICTs play for people's daily lives.

"For today, the mastery of ICTs is of extreme importance in all domains of life, they are a valuable and powerful resource for the process of sending information in work activities. I hope, on the basis of the knowledge acquired throughout the training, to be able to expand diversified businesses through the platforms that the Internet network makes available" - explained the graduate. 

Clotide Naene feels prepared to face the challenges ahead in any company that provides services in the area of electricity. "At the beginning of the training it was very difficult because the men were stronger, many of them already brought with them some experience about the practical part of electricity, but I never thought of giving up, that's why, little by little, with the trainer's support, I got into the subject and today I am able to integrate myself in the job market.

The courses offered at the Maputo Polytechnic College are of short duration and have already trained a total of 143 young people during four training cycles funded by @Stadt Viena and @HUMANA Austria, which among several objectives seek to empower women and combat gender-based violence. 

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