

In 2019: Teacher Training Schools deliver 1,262 new primary teachers to the market


ADPP Teachers Training Colleges (TTCs) graduated in 2019, 1,262 new primary school teachers, which 638 are women, thus increasing the number of graduates from this institution from 19,942 to 21,204.

In general, the graduates made a commitment to contribute positively to the Government’s efforts to improve education in the country through the rescue of values that have been lost, because, they consider, development can only be achieved with well-educated citizens.

ADPP Teacher Training Colleges’ graduates are known for being extremely motivated in their work, skilled in using the latest pedagogical methodologies and interested in the integral development of the children they teach.

The TTCs are in total 11 institutions established since 1993 with the aim of training teachers for primary education, in order to respond to the demand for education in rural areas.

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