

ISET-One World holds XII Graduation Ceremony


The Higher Institute of Education and Technology ISET-One World, held last Friday, at the Changalane Administrative Post, Namaacha district, the XII graduation ceremony of more 59 students in the Bachelor and Master degrees. Of the graduates, 34 are women and 25 are men, of which 54 are graduates in Pedagogy and Education in Community Development, and five belong to the first group of graduates at Master's level.

Graduacao iset

The graduation ceremony was directed by the Vice-Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Edson Macuácua, who in his speech challenged the higher education institutions to proceed to an evaluation, accreditation and guarantee of the quality of education, having ISET-One World as an example of that for being the first institution in the country accredited by a Quality Seal attributed by the National Council of Evaluation of Quality of Higher Education (CNAQ).

"It was on 23 December that the CNAQ distinguished ISET-One World with the award of first Quality Seal, attesting by this way that it remains committed to improving the quality of higher education in the country"- he said.

"We urge ISET-One World to continue to assert itself as an institution of excellence and reference in its triple function of teaching, research and extension at national and international level and produce a capital o human in a position to contribute to the development of the country," he added.

Edson Macuacua

The vice-minister also congratulated ISET for the number of women graduates that make up an average of 56% and, in the same path encouraged the institution to continue to promote the empowerment of women through higher education towards gender equity in access and attendance to undergraduate and post-graduate levels in this education subsystem.

Edson Macuacua drew the attention of recent graduates and the entire academic community of ISET-One World that the institution's recent distinction with the Seal of Quality elevates the responsibility of each one as emissaries of the ISET-One World brand.

"We urge all graduates to continue to honour the distinction of the institution through excellence at work and in society with your knowledge of being, being and doing contributing to the development of the country" - he exhorted.


For his part, the director of the institute, Adriano Niquice, reaffirmed the commitment of the institution to take the lead in research and the promotion of values in the sectors they teach, in order to be in tune with the demands of the current challenges of the country.

Birgit Holm, Executive Director of ADPP, started by recalling the primary role of the institution which started 25 years ago to train trainers for the Schools for the Teachers of the Future, training in pedagogy, at the time under the former Pedagogical University (UP).


"The Schools for the Teachers of the Future (EPFs), which this year complete 30 years of their creation, are proud to have several teachers trained by ISET-One World, and that today some are part of the list of masters" - she said.

Ana João, who spoke on behalf of the graduates, guaranteed greater commitment to safeguard the name of the institution that certifies them with competence for the job market, whose investment involved various social actors. Today we are graduates and masters, but above all we are agents in the development process for which our country clamours so much. Therefore, our actions, our commitment and our performance will be what dignifies us and justifies our level of training".

Currently, the institution has 1152 students enrolled for the year 2023, 192 in the face-to-face regime and 960 in distance learning, of this universe between undergraduates and masters students.

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