

ADPP distributes over three million mosquito nets in Nampula province


As part of the efforts to combat Malaria in the country, ADPP started yesterday in Nampula province the massive distribution of 3,662,381 Insecticide Treated Bed Nets (ITNs) which will benefit 1,648,067 households in the 2022/23 campaign cycle. The launching ceremony was held yesterday in Mogovolas district and was led by Secretary of State, Mety Gondola.


The distribution of the ITNs is being carried out by the malaria prevention project in 22 districts of Nampula, in a partnership with World Vision and in coordination with the Ministry of Health (MISAU), through the National Program of Malaria Control (PNCM) and under Global Fund financing.

At the end of this campaign, on a national scale, excluding the city and province of Maputo, it is expected to distribute, in coordination with other organizations, a total of 16,157,150 RTIs, benefiting 7,270,738 households.


At the launch, the Secretary of State reiterated the readiness and efforts that the government has put in, as well as the support provided by the various partners in preventing and combating malaria which is a problem that affects the population.

"Our government has worked with partners in mobilizing resources to combat malaria, even aware of the challenges ahead and the existing limitations, we are happy with the support provided by the various organizations working in our province and the country in general," - he said.


ADDP, represented by Executive Director, Birgit Holm, referred to the logistical support it will provide during the universal coverage campaign in partnership with World Vision and in coordination with the provincial health services and also to the positive results that are expected to be achieved in strengthening the health system.

"We hope that the distribution of the RTIs will ensure protection from mosquito bites and contribute to the protection from malaria in all families" - he said.

For the World Vision representative, Gerito Augusto, technical director of the Malaria Prevention Project, this campaign is playing a big role to ensure that malaria is an outdated problem, not only for Nampula province but also throughout the country.

"It is our commitment and we reiterate to continue to support the government through the provision of funds for the logistics of the RTIs distribution process, since it is an activity that involves large funds in terms of financing" - he stressed.


Isabel Adriano's family was the first to benefit from the mosquito nets in the universe of households to be covered by the campaign. She knows the importance of the mosquito net and guarantees that from now on her family will be more protected from mosquito bites.

In view of the pandemic of COVID-19, the Malaria Prevention Project and the PNCM will carry out door-to-door distribution of ITNs to ensure safe implementation of the campaign, which will protect health teams and beneficiary households from the transmission of COVID-19.

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