

ADPP in the prevention of COVID-19 in Nhamatanda


ADPP Mozambique was recently at the forefront of a campaign to prevent COVID-19, a disease that plagues the country and the world, in the district of Nhamatanda, in an initiative in partnership with World Jewish Relief. Through this ADPP Emergency Response initiative, 474 families in the Nhamatanda district of Lamego benefited from hygiene kits, consisting of buckets with tap, soap and chlorine.

The project also distributed masks for the protection of the mouth and nose and promoted an awareness campaign on the correct use of the material offered, the correct and frequent washing of hands and the importance of observing social distance.

According to Abdulai Chabane, coordinator of ADPP’s emergency project, this initiative is essentially aimed at ensuring that these communities are minimally warned against the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The project disseminated information about COVID-19 among the most vulnerable households in Nhamatanda, local market vendors and those embarking on public transport. In this way, the people concerned will prevent themselves as well as others. This will happen when people practice the recommended hand washing techniques, wear masks in public and observe social distancing”. -said Abdulai Chabane. He added that more than 2,000 direct beneficiaries were covered by this intervention, and an estimated 5,000 indirectly, through activities in local markets and within public transport.

José Simão Saize, head of Lamego, considers that the support provided by ADPP is a major step towards the prevention of COVID-19 in that part of the country, although no case has yet been diagnosed in that region.

“From now on, we as local authorities will monitor so that the correct use of masks is made and all disease prevention measures are observed. We do not know when this pandemic will end, so we will continue to raise awareness in all communities about the correct hand washing. We will continue to need the support of ADPP activists for the massification of information about the disease!” -Simão Saize, the head of the town of Lamego, said.

The project worked in collaboration with the district social directorate which helped identify 474 vulnerable families, of whom 355 in Lamego and 119 at the Tica administrative post.

It should be noted that ADPP and World Jewish Relief recently worked in the districts of Nhamatanda and Maringué on another project to distribute Food Kits, Hygiene and Health Kits to the local population who were victims of the latest floods in that part of the country. The action benefited 1900 families in those districts.

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