

ADPP assists 3,000 families in Nhamatanda with post-cyclone IDAI Economic Recovery Activities


ADPP, in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and in coordination with the IDAI Post Cyclone Reconstruction Office, started in July the implementation of livelihood and economic recovery activities for the most vulnerable communities and families in Nhamatanda district, based on a survey of the needs identified in the data collection of beneficiaries. The project also integrates the components of promoting gender equality, social inclusion, solidarity and green growth.

This initiative is the result of the partnership of the organizations, in which 20 million Meticais are disbursed for the implementation of activities under the Mozambique Recovery Facility program.

The project will last six months and will benefit a total of 3,000 families corresponding to 15,000 people. The beneficiaries are divided into 45 pre-existing farmers’ clubs, seven local farmers’ associations, also identified (Combater Fome Zero e Tabonga, Kulima, Nzero Ndivida, Padza Ndinfuma, Mbale Nipaza and Mucae Kuaeza) and 500 families living in the Ndeja resettlement center. Of these, 50% of the target farmers are women and vulnerable groups, namely people living with disabilities or chronic diseases.

In its first steps, the project has already advanced with the survey of its 3,000 beneficiaries. At this stage, the focus was on the following activities: i) Identification of potential beneficiaries of solar pumps; ii) Survey of agricultural input needs (crops and vegetables); iii) Identification and survey of beneficiaries’ Business Plan; and iv) Survey of temporary employment in communities.

From the assessment made of the work developed so far, it is expected that in the next phase the beneficiaries will receive, according to their needs, seeds and work tools, technical assistance, installation of solar pumps, irrigation systems and wells, installation of processing units accompanied by technical training, creation and revitalization of savings groups, among other benefits.

The actions of the project are possible thanks to the donor partners of the Recovery Mechanism, namely the European Union, Canada, China, Finland, India, Netherlands and Norway.

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