

ADPP and partners launch "USAID/Apoiar a Ler" project in Nampula Province


The consortium led by ADPP and composed by the Association for the Promotion of Rural Development (APRODER), h2n and Rovuma University (UniRovuma), in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Human Development (MINEDH), officially launched on November 5th, in the city of Nampula, the project called “USAID/Apoiar a Ler!

“Apoiar a Ler!” aims to improve the quality of education and educational outcomes of children through the mobilization of parents and guardians. The project will last three years and will be implemented by the consortium led by ADPP.

The implementation of the new project budgeted at 2,684,980. 45, will cover twelve districts of Nampula province (Moma, Mogovolas, Malema, Lalaua, Ribaué, Mecuburi, Rapale, Monapo, Mussoril, Eráti, Memba and Murrupula) and a total of 750 elementary school, and expects to reach 350,000 children and engage 700,000 family members of the beneficiary children, 7,500 community leaders, 12,000 teachers and 3,750 volunteers in the community called “Passionate about Learning”.

The launching ceremony was presided by the head of the Pedagogical Department, Mr. Eusebio Cocoliua, representing the Governor of Nampula Province, His Excellency Dr. Manuel Rodrigues and was attended by the National Director of Primary Education, Dr. Gina Guibunda; staff of the Provincial Directorate of Education of Nampula, 12 District Directors where the project will operate; USAID Provincial Advisor, Mr. Raju Lourenço; ADPP Executive Director, Birgit Holm and other guests.

Speaking at the launch speech, the Governor’s representative, Mr. Eusebio Cocoliua, showed his appreciation for the initiative and recognition that the districts covered by the project are from within the province, something that was not common in previous years.

“The various cooperation projects implemented in our province have to do a little more to support the Government’s efforts to promote local development, providing better services and creating decent conditions for children to learn.

We are aware that the Government cannot do everything alone. It needs more partners like USAID/Apoiar a Ler Project that prioritizes the most disadvantaged population above all”. – said the Governor’s representative.

In turn, USAID Provincial Advisor in Nampula, Mr. Raju Lourenço, highlighted USAID’s past and current successes in supporting education in Mozambique and the importance of direct engagement and involvement of parents, guardians and communities in the education of children, particularly in the early years of education. “quote from Raju speech,” he said.

Birgit Holm, in her speech, reiterated the responsibility entrusted to her organization as the implementation consortium leader for the next three years. “ADPP is very excited to lead this project. With vast experience in the field of education, ADPP and its partners hope to achieve results over the next three years that can have a significant impact on the districts where we will be operating,” said Birgit.

The initiative is part of USAID’s efforts to support the education sector in the country, particularly in promoting Bilingual Education as a strategy to increase reading and writing skills in the early classes and students’ primary school performance.

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