

The new Headmistress of EPF Maputo takes office


The Teachers Training College of the Future in Maputo (EPF Maputo) has a new director, Adelfa da Iva Manhenge Banze Munialavo, who takes over from Sarmento Simões Preço, who is leaving office after having directed the institution for 18 years. EPF Maputo completes 29 years since its creation and is currently training teachers in the 12+3 years model, with 178 trainees and 22 teachers and 19 employees.


The solemn act of handing over the portfolio and taking office was witnessed by the Administrator of Matola district, Isaías Mondlane, who empowered the new director by passing the national symbols and normative acts for the full exercise of her duties.

In his speech, the governor urged the incumbent to promote a quality, inclusive and efficient education system.  "The institution that she will now direct should be focused on the production of knowledge and compete for the provision of services of excellence in the context of teacher training, in fact the institution is within the Transformation Project to become a reference and excellence center, so it should be a reference in the labor market. The graduates of this educational establishment should be enviable teachers and a reference in the district, province and nationally" - he mentioned.

Adelfa Banze, expressed her readiness to assume the position that has been entrusted to her, given the qualities demonstrated as director of EPF Inhambane, her previous position, which she held for eight years. "It is with a great sense of responsibility that today I assume the position of Director of the School for the Teachers of the Future - Maputo, to scrupulously lead the destiny of this institution, which is to train primary school teachers active in the development of rural areas. In the exercise of my duties the principles of inclusion, equity, permanent communication and the link school-community will always be present" - he said.


To the outgoing director, it was left to address his thanks to all who accompanied him and together achieved many successes and, also encourage the successor to carry forward the destiny of the institution he served for 18 years.

"The successes achieved during the period in which I was in charge of the institution were thanks to the delivery and commitment of each one of us, so my thanks to the entire school community of EPF Maputo. And because we were always united, we managed in these years of joint work, to graduate 1635 teachers of the 2018 graduates since its foundation in 1993, which corresponds to 69%".

The representative of ADPP, Jorgen Ohre, the institution that oversees EPF Maputo, referred to the qualities of the two directors, the outgoing and the inducted, in the following terms: "The two directors They are colleagues who have always represented that the task of training new teachers to serve children in elementary school is a mission of privilege. Each of them has demonstrated a deep interest in training teachers who are well prepared academically and politically to stand side by side with children and their families in building a better future."


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