

Millennium bim and ADPP sign protocol to support the Teacher Training College of Chimoio


The signing ceremony between ADPP Mozambique, represented by Birgit Holm, Executive Director, and Millennium bim, represented by Albino Andrade, Executive Director, took place on February 1 in the premises of Millennium bim in Maputo. This protocol provides financial support to the School for the Teachers of the Future in Chimoio (EPF Chimoio) over a period of three years.


This protocol consists of financial support for the training of more than 200 future teachers who are in the training process and in a boarding program at the EPF Chimoio. This support aims to raise the quality of primary education in Mozambique, which is the basis for a solid education, essential for a sustainable and inclusive development.

Albino Andrade, considered the Bank's support as an investment in the future. According to him, "Young people are the future, Millennium bim is very proud to contribute enthusiastically to the development of youth training and education, an essential lever for success. This support for primary teacher training will contribute actively and decisively to the sustainable and inclusive development of the country , giving continuity to BIM's commitment to contribute to the inclusive development of Mozambique, it is therefore an investment in the future with multiplying effects".

For her part, Birgit Holm, thanked for the gesture of this financial institution that will add value to the quality of education at EPF Chimoio "This support is a special occasion that comes in the best way for all of us. This is how I am pleased to say that BIM is not only a banking partner, but also a development partner that has unequivocally supported our projects".

The EPF Chimoio, inaugurated in August 1997, is part of a set of 11 teacher training colleges established since 1993 in all provinces with the objective of training elementary school teachers, in order to meet the demand for education in rural areas. It should be noted that by the end of the year 2021, EPF Chimoio already had a total of 1792 trained teachers, and expects to enroll another 75 new students for the three-year training program this year, bringing the total number of enrollments to 211.

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