



ADPP's education projects were on display at the sixth edition of Educa Moçambique - International Fair and Conference on Education and Technology, organized by the Academic Community for Development (CADE), which took place between July 21 and 23 in Maputo City under the theme: Challenges of Education VS ICT's, Hydrocarbon Exploration and Youth Employability".


The presence at the fair served as a moment of reflection on ADPP's interventions in the area of education over four decades in collaboration with the government of Mozambique through the Ministry of Education and Human Development (MINEDH) and other national and international partners for the development of education in the country.

On the first day of the fair, the ADPP booth was visited by the Mayor of Maputo, Dr. Eneas Comiche and the Secretary of State for Youth and Employment, Dr. Oswaldo Petersburgo, who appreciated the materials produced by the trainees of the School for the Teachers of the Future - Maputo and learned about the operation of ISET-One World University and the other projects present at the fair.


Because the main objective of Educa Moçambique is to exchange experiences between different organizations and the academic community in order to find ways to develop education in the country, ADPP, represented by Sérgio Muchanga, Partnership Officer, was part of the panel that debated on the theme: "Strategies of the national education system that guarantee the attraction of trainees to the job market".


The presentation by the ADPP representative comprehensively highlighted the interventions at all levels to ensure that thousands of children, youth and adults have access to education to better achieve their goals, improve their lives and attain better employability and other opportunities.

ADPP has 11 teacher training schools, 2 vocational training schools, 1 high school, 2 elementary school and 1 institute of higher education as well as a number of other projects for children, girls and adults.


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